Troubleshooting And FAQs
Don't see events in dashboard?
- Make sure that the SDK initialization is done properly. Check if the App ID provided in the initialization method is correct.
- Once the App ID is checked, make sure you are checking in the right Plumb5 environment.
Not getting push notifications in your devices?
- First, check if the implementation is done correctly. Ensure you registered your app for push notifications correctly, check if you are getting the device token while trying to register for Remote Notification, and the same is sent to the SDK correctly.
- The dashboard says notification sent, but the device didn’t receive it - Check if notification settings for the app were disabled.
Why some of your users are not receiving the push notifications?
Our customers have asked us this question time and again that why some of their users are not receiving the notifications sent by them. Why the notifications that are successfully sent to GCM were not delivered to the end users?
Solved: See how Plumb5 can help deliver notifications to these users to increase engagement and conversions
The probable reasons that we have observed over time from our experience, as well as literature present for why the deliverability is affected Read more
Getting BadDeviceToken Error while sending the push notifications?
- This error comes whenever you try to send push notification from TEST environment to AppStore/AdHoc Build OR from LIVE environment to development build.
- Set Build Configuration correctly and test in correct environment.
Getting DeviceTokenNotForTopic Error while sending the push notifications?
- You will get this error when Bundle-ID of the build in which you are expecting the push notifications and that of APNS certificate uploaded in the dashboard(pem file) are different.
Common push errors & their reasons
Pushes can fail for various reasons- the token might have expired or the push message was too large for Push service to process etc. Here are the most frequently occurring errors and their reasons.
Android - Google Cloud Messaging / Firebase Cloud Messaging Errors
Error | Description |
Invalid Registration | If you are handling GCM yourself, you may have passed an Invalid token |
Not Registered | An existing registration token may cease to be valid in a number of scenarios, including: If the registration token expires (for example, Google might decide to refresh registration tokens, or the APNS token has expired for iOS devices). If the client app is updated but the new version is not configured to receive messages. |
Google Authentication Error (GAE) | If you are handling push yourself, you have sent the wrong token to Plumb5 |
Mismatch Sender Id | The GCM/FCM Server Key provided to Plumb5 & the one with which the token was registered do not match. |
Invalid JSON | Check that the JSON message is properly formatted and contains valid fields in the Name Value pairs you are passing |
Message Too Big | Check that the total size of the payload data included in a message does not exceed GCM limits: 4096 bytes. You may need to reduce the number of Name Value pairs you are passing |
Invalid DataKey | Check that the name value pairs you provided data do not contain a key (such as from, or gcm, or any value prefixed by google) that is used internally by GCM. Note that some words (such as collapse_key) are also used by GCM but are allowed in the payload, in which case the payload value will be overridden by the GCM value. |
Device Message Rate Exceeded | The rate of messages to a particular user is too high. |
iOS - Apple Push Notification Service Errors
Error | Description |
Processing error | There was an issue at APNS’s end |
Invalid token | The token for the users has expired |
Invalid payload size | Check that the total size of the payload data included in a message does not exceed APNS limits: 4096 bytes. You may need to reduce the number of key-value pairs you are passing. |
Invalid token size | The token provided to Plumb5 was not correct. |
BadCollapseId | The collapse identifier exceeds the maximum allowed size |
BadDeviceToken | The specified device token was bad. Verify that the request contains a valid token and that the token matches the environment |
BadExpirationDate | The apns-expiration value is bad |
BadMessageId | The apns-id value is bad |
BadPriority | The apns-priority value is bad |
BadTopic | The apns-topic was invalid |
DeviceTokenNotForTopic | The device token does not match the specified topic |
DuplicateHeaders | One or more headers were repeated |
IdleTimeout | Idle time out |
MissingDeviceToken | The device token is not specified in the request :path. Verify that the :path header contains the device token |
MissingTopic | The apns-topic header of the request was not specified and was required. The apns-topic header is mandatory when the client is connected using a certificate that supports multiple topics |
PayloadEmpty | The message payload was empty |
TopicDisallowed | Pushing to this topic is not allowed |
BadCertificate | The certificate was bad |
BadCertificateEnvironment | The client certificate was for the wrong environment |
ExpiredProviderToken | The provider token is stale and a new token should be generated |
Forbidden | The specified action is not allowed |
InvalidProviderToken | The provider token is not valid or the token signature could not be verified |
MissingProviderToken | No provider certificate was used to connect to APNs and Authorization header was missing or no provider token was specified |
BadPath | The request contained a bad :path value |
MethodNotAllowed | The specified :method was not POST |
Unregistered | The device token is inactive for the specified topic.Expected HTTP/2 status code is 410; see Table 8-6 |
PayloadTooLarge | The message payload was too large. See The Remote Notification Payload for details on maximum payload size |
TooManyProviderTokenUpdates | The provider token is being updated too often |
TooManyRequests | Too many requests were made consecutively to the same device token |
InternalServerError | An internal server error occurred |
ServiceUnavailable | The service is unavailable |
Shutdown | The server is shutting dow |