Facebook Page Insights

Overcome publishing obstacles and make manual management native facebook platforms to schedule and publish social posts a thing of the past. Plumb5 gives you the tools you need to replace time-consuming tasks with automated ease. Save time by scheduling your social posts. Keep your social presence active 24/7 by automatically scheduling hundreds of social media posts at once, across your social accounts.

Facebook Page Insights gives you detailed analytics for your Facebook Page, so you can track what works, learn how people interact with your content, and improve your results over time. The metrics tracked for the time period selected is as follows.

  • NO. OF FANS: Total no. of facebook fan.A Facebook "fan" is a user who "likes" a particular page. If a user chooses to "like" a page, they are then able to get updates from that page's administrator through status updates, link posts, and event invitations.
  • TOTAL ACTION: The combined total clicks for your contact information and call-to-action button
  • PAGE VIEWS: Total views of your Facebook Page, including by people not logged into Facebook.
  • TOTAL LIKES: The number of likes.
  • MALE: Percentage of audience who have specified their gender as Male.
  • FEMALE: Percentage of audience who have specified their gender as Female.
page insights

Audience Engagement

People engage in communication on Facebook via three behaviors—like, comment, and share. Facebook uses an algorithm that gives different weight to each behavior to determine what to show on the user's screen, suggesting that the strategic implication of each behavior may differ from the other.

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Page Impressions

Post reach is the number of people who saw any of your posts at least once. This metric is estimated. Paid reach is the number of people who had a paid post from your Page enter their screen. Organic reach is the number of people who had an unpaid post from your Page enter their screen. Organic reach can be broken down into viral and nonviral:

  • Viral: The number of people who had any content from your Page or about your Page enter their screen because their friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page.
  • Nonviral: The number of people who had any content from your Page enter their screen. This doesn't include when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page.
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Fans by Country

People Who Like Your Page by country

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Audience distribution by Age group

Demographic Data About the People Who Like Your Page as a population pyramid chart.A Population Pyramid is a pair of back-to-back Histograms (for each sex) that displays the distribution of a population in all age groups and in both sexes. 

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Page Preview

Click on the Eye icon on the top right to view the Facebook Page.