Customer Transaction Cards is a customer profitability application designed to create statement of transactions of each customer to effectively manage customer spends.
The application is integrated with the CUI string module, to align interaction data of a single customer, in date sequence, so as to understand the staging process of the customer and the relevant costs involved at each touch-point
Each customer’s interaction history is designed like a bank statement with credits and debits added to each interaction, where revenue earned is considered as credits and every spend on invitations or, product discount or periodic interests, is considered as debits
The following statement example shows how customer interaction data is aligned by interactions along with associated credits, debits and balance.

This helps the business manager to quickly check each customers profitability status for a given time and help in planning targeted communication and campaigns.
The app was primarily designed to handle high volume personalization workflows where retention campaigns can be executed in real-time based on current value of the customer. Rules and conditions can be configured to execute campaigns for customers who fall in respective revenue clusters
The app also reports each customer’s performance metrics comprising of Frequency & Recency, Transactions, Risk, Purchase cycle, Response Frequency, Cost of Retention, and Present Value